Friday, September 26, 2008

I haven't died or anything in case you're wondering.

For those of you who have missed me, I'm sorry it took so long for me to blog.

Since the last time I blogged, we started school and I got a job. It's only a part time job two afternoons a week, but the change in my schedule has taken a lot of free time and drained me of much energy. It means I'm working 3 afternoons a week when you include piano lessons. I'm thankful that I am able to homeschool the boys so that I have time to spend with them every morning. The time I am away from them helps me appreciate the time that I do get with them so regularly.

We have also started our flag football season. They are so cute out there, but Tyson knows very little about what's going on. Big O has been working with them....I should take some pictures of that. They get out in the yard with his whistle and their flags and he coaches them. He even painted lines on the grass with spray paint. I'm sure the whole neighborhood really appreciates the whistle, but it's fun and it's a great way for them to spend time together.


Patti said...

Welcome back! I'd been missing your blogs.

Congrats on the job. Know that you are appreciated!

Nikki said...

I was wondering if everything was okay but decided that if anything was wrong, I would know through Angela.

What kind of job do you have? What do you do with the boys? Is Big O able to keep them?

Angela said...

Yay a new post!

You definitely should take pictures (or even a video) of the boys playing football. It is so cute!

Florida Girl said...

Welcome Back Dayna. I have missed you but I understand how family needs your time. ♥

Alice said...

Actually, I had wondered :) I'm glad you are back and that everything is fine. Family time comes first, we all agree with that :). Welcome back.

Nikki said...

I just tagged you! Check out my blog for the specifics.

Dustin said...

I tagged you, too, Dayna! Check it out on my blog! When I start the new job I hope to get to come see the boys play football!