As I mentioned once
before, Owen has been without a full-time job since last July. You may ask how we've survived this long without starving, and I will tell you that it is because God is faithful! Owen owns a small business and works part time for our church, and I give piano lessons. The income from the church and piano lessons is all that we can count on every month, and when business for him is slow or I loose a student, we don't have enough money to pay bills, let alone have money for gas or food. As you can see, this last year has been a major learning experience in humility and trust. We have literally trusted God to feed us this year, and He has been so faithful. All of our bills have been paid. When we needed gas money or grocery money, it always came. God has used generous people who've given us money when we didn't ask for it, and He's given Owen work whenever He knew we needed the money. If the kids needed new clothes, either I had the money for them or someone gave them to us. None of us have been sick enough to need to go to the doctor unless we had the money in the account to pay for it.
We've even been blessed with wants. I was given two Vera Bradley's and a Coach, a dining room table, a couch and a recliner (not all from the same person, if you're wondering).
I'm not telling you this so you'll think that we are super spiritual people that always trust God no matter how grim things appear. Just this week I was worrying and complaining instead of bringing my cares to the Lord. I took them to Owen, who was already doing all he could to take care of it. I knew that my worry was a sin, but I neglected to do the right thing....pray with a thankful heart. Even then, God took care of it. He gave us what we needed exactly when we needed it. It reminds me of the time that the Israelites in the desert needed water. Instead of praying, they complained to Moses. Moses didn't have any water. He couldn't fix it. But they knew the God who could. And God, who didn't have to provide water for them, and who could have let them die in the desert for their unfaithfulness to Him, chose to bless them even though they didn't deserve it. This is another example of the compassion and faithfulness of God towards His children. He is faithful even when we are not.