Sunday, July 27, 2008

On living in a Bubble...

I feel like I'm in a bubble; a Christian bubble to be exact. I homeschool my children, volunteer in the church, and pretty much everyone I know are Christians...or at least profess to be. Lately I've thought about starting a Bible study with other ladies from church, but the Lord kept impressing on me the need to do something to further the Kingdom. Having another Bible study is all well and good, but at what point am I planning to step out to reach the lost world?

Am I doing my part?

Am I being a "fisher of men"?

I realize that I am at a stage in my life where my children are my main focus. I am preparing them to be Kingdom Builders one day. I know that my duties are to my God first, my husband second, my children third, but for some reason, I feel like there isn't much time left. I need to be doing something else; but I don't know what it is.

I was challenged today to make a difference. I am to be salt and light. I am to let others see Jesus in me.

One person can make a difference. How am I going to be that one person?

I'll let you know when I figure it out.


Nikki said...

Just an idea: are there other women with small children in your neighborhood? Maybe you could get together with them.

Patti said...

Be encouraged! I struggled with similar feelings when my guys were small then realized that when I was anywhere in the "bubble" or outside it, I could make a difference. A Christian T-shirt has an amazing effect at Wallyworld when around people who are cussing (SALT) - and I don't have to speak a word. Light is shared with the cashiers with a smile, inquiry about their day and "God bless you in your work". Tracts are simple & easy to share. PTL for recognizing your priorities awa your desire to do more. I trust that God will show you additional opportunities as you remain open to Him.
Hmm. Feel like I should step down off this soap box now...:-)
Love ya!

Angela said...

I think this is why momma does that Backyard Bible Club every year. Feasible for you?