Saturday, March 28, 2009

i dunt no haow tu spel rele gud.

It's been a while since I last posted... been busy cleaning up from a certain birthday party. :o)

So the ideas that I've thought of to blog about.....

1. All the things I use vinegar for in my house besides cooking

2. My recently discovered reason why I love eating...hint, it's not because I like the taste of food so much.....I really don't have a very good sense of smell or taste

3. Cute things Tyson says

4. Lil Owen's piano lessons

Let me know if you're interested in any of these, and maybe I'll post about them later...

Also, check out this video that Whitney's least to me....some of you may find it inappropriate.

I'm writing this on Owen's computer, so I have no automatic spellchecker....i dunt no haow tu spel rele gud.


Whitney said...

Go for it! I wanna read all about those (;

Whitney said...

The video could be taken offensively, but whatever. It's funny. So, gosh darn it, sit back..and laugh a bit :)

Dustin said...

Blog about all of them! That's content for a whole week, or a whole year at the rate you blog. But if you pick one, do it on the things Tyson says.