Sunday, April 5, 2009

For those who care....

Well thank you to all my loyal readers who love to hear from me. On my last post when I asked what you'd like to read about, a whole 2 people responded....I feel so loved.

So the most requested thing that I was asked to write about was the cute things that Tyson says.

He calls Louisiana, "the Lusiana."

He calls pancakes, "pan-a-cakes."

Whenever he says anything that he's been thinking about for a while he says, "Well anyway..." before it. Usually he says it as the start of a conversation. :o)

He sings a lot....more than Owen by far. He sings while he's on the toilet, too. :o) His favorite song is "Nothing But the Blood." I recorded him singing it, and it's currently my ring tone on my phone.

He calls mulch, "vulch."

He tells this knock-knock joke all the time... but he changes up the animals and sometimes he forgets to interrupt you.

Who's there?
Interrupting cow.

His favorite toys are balloons....whether they are blown up, not blown up, or blown up with helium...they are his favorite thing to play with. That's not really a cute thing he says, but its cute to watch him entertain himself for hours with a single balloon.

When he's playing hide and seek, instead of saying, "Ready or not, here I come!" he says, "Ready or not, have some fun!"

One day he may read this post and be embarrassed by all of these things, but for now, I'll cherish his cuteness. He's growing up way too fast!


Alice said...

awww, now you made feel bad :O(. i should have sent you a comment, i did read your post i just didn't respond. i'm sorry...... :O).

actually i loved talking with both your sons at the choir dinner before the last Easter practice. they are both a lot of fun to talk with. smart little fellows and really funny! you're doing a great job with them.

Whitney said...

Hahaha! Tyson cracks me up! Everytime Miranda and I get to hang out with him, he's always a ton of fun! :)

I agree with the whole comment thing. Some people are just incredibly comment-shy..for some reason, i have no clue!

But, share more about what Tyson says! Those are so cute!

Nikki said...

That is very cute. The reason I didn't comment before was that I thought they all sounded interesting. Besides, it's YOUR blog; write about whatever you want to.

luke and wyatt's mom said...

These are so cute! I love the "pan a cakes"...Wyatt says "pan takes". Keep blogging about these funny, day to day things-I try to do it whenever I get a chance just so I'll remember the silly things little boys do!
...The opportunity to embarrass them later is just a bonus :)

Florida Girl said...

"Well Anyway . . . " I love you.

PS--your boys are the best!

Angela said...

Sorry I didn't comment before. I have no valid excuse.

Tyson told me that joke the other day at the birthday party --- and he laughed so hard at himself! It was very cute. Every thing he does is really cute.

Now post about the rest of those things. I'm like you...I have tons of ideas for posts, but I just can't bring myself to actually do the work.

Dustin said...

You know you can tell who your REAL friends are by who comments on your blog... ;)