Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Seven years ago today, Owen and I eloped! Yes, today is my anniversary.

Nine months from today, Little Owen will be 7 years old.

We've had an eventful 7 years. We've lived in 6 different cities and in 9 different homes. Owen has had 12 jobs (some of them simultaneous), served at 6 churches, attended 2 universities and owns 1 business. We have called 8 churches our church home. We had 2 kids, 2 dogs, and 3 fish, and I've killed dozens of plants. The longest we ever lived in one location was 2 years, and that is where we live right now.

Reading this, you could easily get the wrong impression about us, but there is a story and lesson learned behind each and every place we've been. God has truly had His hand on our lives. There is no question in my mind about that fact.

We have learned the meaning of Romans 8:28-29 because even when awful things have happened to our family, we know that God had a plan for it. We've learned that God is sovereign, His grace is enough, and that life can either make you better or bitter. We've chosen to let it make us better so that God will be glorified in our lives.

So Happy Anniversary to us and I pray that we have 80 more years together.....that is unless Jesus wants to come back before then! (If we continue on our current path, can you imagine how many places we'll have lived in 80 years.....never mind! I don't want to think about that!)


Angela said...

I don't like to think about Owen turning 7! That is way too old!!
Also, please don't move anymore...unless it is closer to me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dayna, Congratulations! I like what you said about life making us better or bitter. As Mark and I come up on some difficult times we see God's providential loving hand in all. Praise God! I don't know how I would feel if I didn't understand God's love for me and His soveriengty. Romans 8:28-29 is very good to hear. Love you