Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Anyad Si Eman Ym

Gniod saw I tahw tuo erugif ot ouy ekat it did gnol woh? Repap no etirw to si ti naht yaw siht epyt ot redrah neve sti. Edoc ni sgniht etirw ot yaw nuf a s'ti tub, od ot drah si ti. Sdrawkcab delleps erew yeht fi seman ruo yas dluow ew woh ees ot nuf saw ti dna, sdrawkcab seman ruo gnitirw erew ew. Loohcs gniod erew I dna syob eht elihw yadot tsop siht etirw ot aedi eht tog I.


Nikki said...

To answer your question, not long. When I was in high school, in chemistry class to be specific, one of my friends sat across the lab table from me, and we would write notes back and forth to each other, but we would write them upside down and backwards so that it was correct for the other person.

Yes, and during Algebra II, we worked on poetry.

Were our classes too easy, or were we too smart? You decide.

Angela said...

You are weird.

It didn't take me that long. I thought you were doing the mixed up letters thing at first. It did take me a while to read, though.

Whitney said...

HAHAHA! I felt like I was back in Kindergarten..having to sound things out!

Patti said...

Interuhbesting puhbost! Cuhban wuhbe expuhbect anubother suhboon?
(Ubbi Dubbi) :-)

Dustin said...

You ever get a puzzle in a snack box or something that has you decoding some "super secret" code and after you decode it you realize that it said something like "Drink Ovaltine?" Yea...I felt that way just now.

Erin said...

THe first time I attempted to read this was right before bed, and I just did not have the patience for it. After discussing it at dinner with Dustin and Angela I had to come back and try again. I have to agree with Angela, I though the letters were mixed up at first, and you are weird :)

Florida Girl said...

OK--so I am the total village idiot here. I have glanced at that post several times over the past few days and was perplexed. I think I have learned something about myself through avoiding it. I must automatically move against anything that looks like it remotely requires work or effort. haha

Florida Girl said...

Oh and also--one of those days I was thinking that I was totally impressed that you spoke another language and I didn't even know it.

Alice said...

took me about 5 seconds. cool idea! it's hard to read backwards, too :O).