Thursday, May 8, 2008


Angela tagged me a week ago and I'm just today having time to get to it. So here goes....

Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1. 5th grade teacher (LOVED it!)
2. Piano teacher (still am....need lessons anyone?)
3. Call center rep for Vystar Credit Union (was Jax Navy back then)
4. Mom (by far the hardest yet most fulfilling job of all!)

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

1. Gone With the Wind (Scarlet Ohara is just AWFUL, but I love her!)
2. The Little Mermaid (always was my favorite Disney movie)
3. Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews is amazing!)
4. Top Ten Countdown (a movie I watch with the boys that puts the Ten Commandments on their level)

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:

1. Everybody Loves Raymond (makes me thankful for my family)
2. House (so smart)
3. What Not to Wear (even though Stacy and Clinton are cruel!)
4. The Office (no comment necessary)

Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation:
1. Centrifuge (actually it was a youth camp, but it was so awesome that it counts!)
2. Cherokee, NC (where our car was stuck for a year....literally)
3. Disney World (not a good idea to go on the 4th of July)
4. Laura Walker State Park (many childhood memories)

Four Favorite Foods:
1. Spaghetti (seriously, I could eat it every day)
2. Rice (I should have been Oriental)
3. Potatoes cooked any way (craved them during pregnancy)
4. Chips and Dip (reminds me of Aunt Lisa)

Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1. (I'd wither up without email)
2. Angela's blog (need I say why?)
3. (keep up with all the latest gossip at TBC....j/k!)
4. (gotta know how to dress the kids)

Four Places I’d Rather Be:
1. With Owen
2. At Patsy's house
3. At the Melting Pot (Patsy got me hooked....shame on her!)
4. Playing the piano with NO INTERRUPTIONS!

Here's the part of the show where I tag you....but Angela already did, so if you read this blog and don't comment on it, leave one this time and play along!


Florida Girl said...

Hi Dayna with a y! Love your blog!

MyKidsMom said...

I'm afraid Nikki tagged me after Angela tagged her...hard to keep up with these tags, LoL.

I too could eat spaghetti every day...don't meet too many people like that. Guess we just have good taste;)