Thursday, October 30, 2008

He'll be the richest one in the family soon.

Owen lost his second tooth Wednesday night and received another dollar from his Dad.

Flattering picture, huh? He's so funny. When we got home from church, I told Tyson and him to hurry and get ready for bed because it was late, and I knew they'd be tired the next morning if they didn't get to bed at a decent time. Owen was being unusually slow, and I started to fuss at him for it when I noticed that he kept putting his finger in his mouth. At first I thought he was eating something, but then he said that his tooth was hurting and he thought it was about to come out. Thankfully, Big O came in at just the right time. (I don't do wiggly gives me the willies.)

The tooth came out without much drama...not even blood thankfully. His teeth are so tiny...not much bigger than a broken piece of pencil lead! He definitely didn't get his itty bitty teeth from me. I have big honkin' teeth.


Angela said...

That is a terrific picture :) Haha! They're getting so big -- but I want them to stay little!

Patti said...

Great photo memory! And prices have gone up. My poor kids only got a quarter a tooth.
btw, I got the honkin' big teeth too.