Monday, March 17, 2008

My amazing 6-year-old.

Little Owen just turned 6 a week ago. Owen is one of the most intelligent children I've ever known. He knew the alphabet and could count past 10 before he was 2. He knew all the sounds the letters made before he was 3. He learned to read when he was 4 and now reads on a 3rd or 4th grade level. He loves playing the piano and shooting hoops on the basketball goal he got for his birthday. We are alike in our personalities and get along very well together because we understand one another. I'm homeschooling him now....he's doing 1st grade work this year, making A's in everything...mostly perfect scores in arithmetic. Owen loves learning like I do, but he has also inherited my love of the great indoors. ;o) I have to force him to play outside because he'd much rather sit in the house and turn pasty white like I always am.

We invited all of Owen's friends to his 6th birthday party. (This was a first for us because family parties are well attended...usually 20 people or so.) He had a costume party and went as Spiderman. His best buddy came as Venom. We had a meteor shower hit our yard that morning, and the kids helped clean up the mess. They were rewarded with the treats inside the meteors...candy and toys. Owen's birthday cake was fudge marble with coconut pecan icing. We had a few other games planned, but the kids had a good time just playing freeze tag and hanging out in the yard together.

Maybe next time I'll write about Tyson.

1 comment:

Angela said...

hahahaha!!! "pasty white"!!!