Thursday, March 27, 2008

This morning started out great! I got up before everyone else and read my Bible. Later, the boys woke up and Little O did his quiet time and we had a nice breakfast. I couldn't think of a nicer way to begin our day.

We took too long eating, so at 8:30 when it was time to start school, Tyson wasn't done and I hadn't had my shower. I go nuts when things aren't on schedule, and we have a busy afternoon, so I decided to do our pledges and Bible after Owen's arithmetic test. That's when it all fell apart. Owen kept sitting there forgetting what 5+6 is. Big O decided that right then he needed me to help him find all the numbers that he lost when his cell phone died. Tyson felt the need to sing at the top of his lungs while sitting on the pot. Then Owen decided he was still hungry so he needed a second breakfast......this is what I get for skipping Bible. It's now 9:30 and instead of having finished Bible and the test and a few other things that normally we would have accomplished, I'm still waiting for Owen to eat his second breakfast and Tyson just dripped something nasty all over me and the phone is ringing off the hook!


Angela said...

Lol...It's pretty gross that you tell us that Tyson was sitting on "the pot" and then you say he dripped something nasty all over you. Just what did he drip and from where was it dripping?!? :0)

Dustin said...

I'm praying for you Dayna. You need it.

MyKidsMom said...

Hi. I found your link at Nikki's.

And if you never manage to have another day like this, you'll be WAY ahead of the rest of us homeschoolers; some days are just like that;)

You sound as organized as I would LIKE to be. Guess it comes easier to some people.

daynagonzalez said...

Tyson had a party hat from AWANA that had candy in it the night before. While I was writing my blog, he brought it to me and said it was dripping and it dripped on me....we never did find out why b/c I just threw it away.

Nikki said...

Dayna, even those of us who don't homeschool have days like that. Did you see my post from last Friday? I hope not to have another one of those days for at least a week!