Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I've been tagged for this by 3 different people, so I guess I need to do this one. Thanks to Dustin, Nikki and Madye for tagging me.

Here are the rules.

Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
List 6 unspectacular quirks you have.
Tag 6 bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each taggee's blog to let them know they've been tagged.

1. I wash my hands all the time. If they feel dirty or if they touch anything that might have had germs on it, I wash them. I think I may have passed this trait on to Tyson. :0)

2. I wear flip flops for house shoes. I used to wear regular ones, but they always make my feet hot.

3. The past several places I've lived, I've had my sister decorate for me. I don't know where things should go, so I just don't put anything up on the walls. When we lived in LA, she and my best friend drove all the way out to visit me and while they were there, they painted my living room and put up pictures for me.

4. When I'm sleeping, no matter how hot it is, I have to have at least a sheet to cover me up. If I don't, I feel exposed.

5. Also when I'm sleeping, I like to have the bedroom door closed, even if the only ones home are Owen and me. Owen always laughs at me for that one.

6. I always read the instructions on everything....even the shampoo bottle. I want to know what everything says just so I can know and not necessarily because I will follow the instructions....but I usually do.

I am going to tag Pam, Amber, Alice, Whitney, Patti, and Tessa


Angela said...

I am right there with you on #1, #4, and #6. As for #2 - I can't walk around the house barefoot, but I normally wear house shoes. When it's hot, I wear flip-flops, too! #3 - I like to decorate. It's fun! #5 - I like to have the door open, but when we first got Baggie, Dustin made me keep it closed so she would leave us alone while we sleep. Now I get may way again and we leave the door open all the time.

Florida Girl said...

My duty is completed. Thank you for the little session of therapy that typing it all out provided. :)

Whitney said...

I'm on it! This should be interesting :)

~Madye~ said...

im soo with you on #4. im scared of the dark so even the thinnest sheet makes me feel safe =)
You and mike are just alike with #5. he likes to sleep with the door closed but i dont let him. I have to be able to hear what is going on in the house even in the dead of night. if someone is going to come in the house i need to be able to hear it =)

and i read the directions on everything too. even though we all know how to use shampoo.

Patti said...

My non compliant self fulfilled most of the requests. :-)

I used to do the sheet thing too. These days I'm just too warm.
I go barefoot as much as possible - even in the choir loft. :D
I do read directions but I read just about EVERYTHING anyway.

Angela said...

Okay it's been two weeks! New post! New post! New post!