Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are you as cold as I am?!

Owen turned the sprinkler on last week when it froze overnight. The boys had so much fun playing in the icicles. I even let loose and started school late because I know that there aren't many opportunities like this where we live.


Nikki said...

Yes, it's pretty cold here, too. Today and tomorrow are good days to stay home because the highs will only be in the forties. Brrrr.

Nikki said...

Yes, it's pretty cold here, too. Today and tomorrow are good days to stay home because the highs will only be in the forties. Brrrr.

Angela said...

What exactly is Little Owen wearing on his head in those pictures?

That looks fun. I remember Daddy doing that when we were little -- putting a water hose in a tree to make icicles.