Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's 3:17 AM as I start writing this post.

I can't sleep....this happens of the boys will need something in the middle of the night and then 2 hours later, I'm still awake....thinking.....
about my Sunday School class
about a friend who needs to be in Sunday School
about a friend who just had a baby
about all the babies I'm going to meet this year
about that light on the stupid air freshener that keeps blinking
about how stupid that air freshener is when it scares me and blows a puff of fresh air when I'm least expecting a mouse-like noise in the room

It's very quiet....the only sound I hear is my husband's deep, regular breathing...
the kind of breathing I should be doing!

about how glad I am that my husband doesn't snore
about he getting better? (he's been sick)
about whether or not I should have called the doctor today since I can't call again until Monday
about how precious my husband and children are
about the blinking light
about the light that just came on outside....probably because that dumb white cat came in the yard again
about the dumb white cat who thinks our yard is his home
about the dogs who are not ours but who like to get into our trash

Should I just get up for the day and take a nap this afternoon? Nope, can't. Have plans.

Oh, elusive sleep!
Now it's 3:23.


Whitney said...

If you read that super fast, it makes you sound hilarious ;)

daynagonzalez said...

so in other words, normally i'm not hilarious but today i am? ;o)

Nikki said...

Thankfully, I go right back to sleep after helping my babies, that is, unless I think I hear them again. You know how you think you hear something, so you hold your breath, listening intently. You don't hear anything, so you start breathing again. Then you hear it again. Is it one of the children? Or is it your imagination? It turns out to be nothing, of course, because if one of your children needs you, they let you know loud and clear.

I think Whitney means that at normal speed, you're not funny, but at super fast speed you are. I'm not sure how you should take that.

Angela said...

This post is pretty funny. I'm sorry you couldn't sleep...but it's fun to read how your mind works when you're tired.

daynagonzalez said...

Lol Nikki you need a baby monitor! I had one in the boys room until Tyson was 3 so that I wouldn't have to hold my breath and wonder if I heard them.

Angela, I think my mind normally works like that, but usually I wouldn't post it on a me that's the funny part...that I'm willing to share my random thoughts when I'm sleepy.

Nikki said...

The children are just down the hall so we don't need a monitor for them. Besides, Daniel is so LOUD while he is sleeping that he keeps us awake if there is a monitor in his room! Back when we were sleeping in the spare bedroom downstairs (before we got out new bedroom furniture), I actually put the monitor in the hall outside his room because he is so loud!

Florida Girl said...

This post tops anything that I have ever accomplished on my blog . . . The mind of Dayna is a fascinating thing and you have given me a laugh and much to ponder today. I won't wake up in the night anymore without you running through my mind. Thanks for sharing these deep thoughts with the blog world.

Alice said...

been there, done that - lol!

Florida Girl said...

Just logged on for a second to let you know that it is 3:23 AM and I just got up for a drink of water. I thought of you while I was walking back down the hall. I am now wondering if you are snoozing or laying there thinking about the air freshener, blinking light or the cat in your yard. Sigh . . .

daynagonzalez said...

Even when Tyson woke me the last 2 nights, I was able to go right back to sleep. :o)

Patti said...

I have don't this "blaring" thing so much that when I find myself awake in the dead of night, I find something to do, read or even bake until I get tired & can sleep. Focusing keeps me from driving myself nutty with all the sounds that SHOULDN'T be there. It's amazing how much one can accomplish when the rest of the household is not underfoot.
Count yourself blessed with that non-snoring hubby > mine sends me to the couch sometimes! :-)

Angela said...

Wow! You got a lot of comments on this post!

I'm here to assign you your letter -- and that letter is "T" for the THIRD of October :)