Friday, February 6, 2009

Pajamas, Q-tips, and Somethine Must be in the Water

Little Owen has woken up twice in the past week wondering where his pajamas went....he's been waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and leaving his pajamas in there on the floor, but he doesn't remember doing it when he wakes up. So funny!

I stopped using Q-tips in my ears recently because my friend got a horrible ear infection from using them. The doctor told her that it's really easy to damage the inside of your ear, even with a Q-tip, and that is what happened with her. She was in immense pain for over a week, so I stopped using them so that it wouldn't happen to me. Now I feel like my ears are gross all the time. Yuck!

I know 10 people who are expecting right now...what's up with that?!


Angela said...

You are so darn cute. And so is little Owen. I only use q-tips every once in a while when I get water in my ears. One time I went to the doctor, though, and she called me the "ear wax queen" because I had a lot in my ears. How are you supposed to get it out, though, if you don't use q-tips? Also, I like that water. It tastes good :)

Nikki said...

I could use some of that water myself!

You know that crochet hooks are perfect for cleaning out ears. I think I'll just leave it at that!

daynagonzalez said...

Crochet hooks....hmmmm... very interesting!